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Our Story

A self-proclaimed travel junkie, I quit my executive corporate job in 2006, bought a round the world ticket and had the BEST year of my life!!! (with the exception of marrying my husband and having my son :D ) I discovered that experiencing different cultures, meeting people from all over, discovering sights, both iconic and off the beaten path, are essential for one's soul!  I was able to witness the most authentic experiences: attending a Vietnamese wedding, buying an old beat-up Mercedes with two Brits and driving the coast of South Africa, to camping under the stars in the Outback of Australia. ​ I took this passion and destination knowledge (albeit I knew more about Hostels at the time than Luxury Hotels) and worked for 13 years for another company creating and delivering fabulously executed corporate incentive travel experiences.​

Thru the combination of dedication and passion, I’ve found out that I actually have a knack for planning experiences of a lifetime that become embedded into people's memories and become part of their own "stories".  ​My dream of doing my own thing has become a reality with the creation of Hoopla Travel Partners.  Exciting! (like more than exciting!)  Hoopla Travel Partners is an organization of fantastic staff who genuinely care about the business, our clients, and the overall travel industry. We work really, really hard to make your travel experience like no other, with special nuisance touches at every turn. Our goal is to have you only show up to the airport on time with your passport in hand.
- Ressie Barrett, Chief Experience Officer


Ressie Barrett

Title: Chief Experience Officer 

Years of Experience: 18 

Favorite Saying: You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. – Mae West 

I’ll never be seen without: Chapstick  

No one knows I: was named best actress in Middle School for playing Toto in the Wizard of Oz (Dorothy was really bummed 😊) 

When not at work, you’ll find me:  On a hike, skis, a bike, a raft…on some crazy adventure with my family.

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Allison Donnahoe

Title: Director of All Things Fun 

Years of Experience: 8 (getting paid) and 29 (for free😊) 

Favorite Saying:  Today is the first day of the rest of our lives! 

I’ll never be seen without:  FLAIR!!! 

No one knows I: I shared a tiny 200 sq. ft. room with one of my best friends (and now my boss, Ressie) for 3 out of our 4 years of college! 

When not at work, you’ll find me: Out on the ocean, up in the country or near a body of water enjoying life and making memories with my family and crazy friends! 

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McKenna Pate

Title: Experience Manager 

Years of Experience: 8 

Favorite Saying: “Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow” – Anita Desai 

I’ll never be seen without: A scrunchy and my water bottle. 

No one knows I: Accidentally crashed a red carpet event in Hong Kong.  

When not at work, you’ll find me: Hopping on the next flight to visit family, friends and see new sights! 

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Rhonda Roberts

Title: Chief Experience Officer 

Years of Experience: Over 19 years of event planning 

Favorite Saying: Get Your Mind Right.

I’ll never be seen without: A positive attitude.

No one knows I: I used to want to be a lawyer 

When not at work, you’ll find me: At one of my 3 kids activities OR at the gym getting in a workout. 

Julie Caldwell

Title: Head Day Maker 

Years of Experience: 12

Favorite Saying: “Everyday is a holiday, Every meal is a feast” - my husband 

I’ll never be seen without: my sun damage 

No one knows: I made out with Tim McGraw before he got really famous in the early 90s :) 

When not at work, you’ll find me:  On a hike, skis, a bike, a raft…on some crazy adventure with my family (or with Ressie). 

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Grace Weaver

Title: Director of All Things Fun 

Years of Experience: 8 (getting paid) and 29 (for free😊) 

Favorite Saying:  Today is the first day of the rest of our lives! 

I’ll never be seen without:  FLAIR!!! 

No one knows I: I shared a tiny 200 sq. ft. room with one of my best friends (and now my boss, Ressie) for 3 out of our 4 years of college! 

When not at work, you’ll find me: Out on the ocean, up in the country or near a body of water enjoying life and making memories with my family and crazy friends! 

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